Top 5 Best Butane Fuel for Dab Torches

If you are looking to refill your dab torch you are going to want to use the best butane fuel. Better quality torch fuel is often more refined and cleaner than some other options. If you are using butane to extract THC from flower, you are also going to want to use something very clean. In this article I will show you the different butane options I use to refill my dab torch. Not all butane is the same and you are going to want to find the fuel that best suits your needs.

Best Butane Fuel for Dab Torches

Newport Ultra Purified Butane Fuel

best butane for dab torchOkay if you are looking to get yourself the cleanest most refined butane on the market, I believe Newport is the best butane torch fuel for you. Newport boasts that is has near zero impurities and it is refined more than 7 times. The can is 300ml which is about 10 oz.

The torch comes with 8 different adapters so you can definitely find one that fits your torch. It also comes with 2 universal flints. This is the best torch fuel for dabs I have used and it comes with the most adapters. If you want the cleanest most refined torch refill this may be the best butane fuel for you.

Size: 10 oz

Refined: more than 7x Refined

Design: 5 out of 5 stars

Value: 5 out of 5 stars

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Blazer Butane Refill

Blazer butane refill for dabsI really like the products that Blazer makes. They have a number of excellent torches for dabbing and their butane is pretty good too. This Blazer butane refill comes in a 6-pack of 9.12 oz cans so you should really have plenty of butane. Blazer Super Refined is a triple refined butane that has near zero impurities.

If you have any Blazer dab torches I highly recommend you use the Blazer butane refill. This is some of the cleaner butane you can buy, and it works great with Blazer torches. This 6-pack of n-butane should last you a long time and give you plenty of refills for your dabbing torch. If you are curious about a good dab torch, check out more information on my Blazer GT8000 Big Shot review.

Size: 9.12 oz 6-pack

Refined: 3x Refined

Design: 5 out of 5 stars

Value: 5 out of 5 stars

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FasFil 5x Refined Butane Fuel

best dab butane fuelFasFil is one of my favorite cans of butane fuel to buy for my dab torches. I really like that the cap comes with 6 different sized tips you can use to refill almost any torch. I have so many different dab torches in different sizes that it takes some adapters to refill them correctly.

FasFil butane fuel is refined 5 times and is some of the cleanest dab torch fuel you can buy. You get a lot of torch fuel for the price and they also sell it in packs with multiple cans. If you are looking for something that is very refined for your torch, this may be the best butane fuel for you.

Size: 10.15 oz

Refined: 5x Refined

Design: 5 out of 5 stars

Value: 5 out of 5 stars

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Zippo Butane Fuel

best butane fuelOne of the more know brands when it comes to lighters in general is Zippo. They make some excellent quality lighters and they also make some great butane fuel to refill them. You can get a single can of Zippo butane fuel for under $10 and the can is 5.82 oz. This butane fuel by Zippo is triple refined and is very clean.

If you are looking for a well known brand of butane to fill your dab torch, this may be the best butane fuel for you. This is a smaller can of butane so if you are filling a larger torch you may want to get more. This is priced very well and you can also get it in packs with more cans if you need. Zippo is one of the most trusted brands in lighters, so you should trust their fuel.

Size: 5.82 oz

Refined: 3x Refined

Design: 4 out of 5 stars

Value: 4 out of 5 stars

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Colibri Premium Butane Fuel

best dab torch fuelHere is another excellent option for premium torch fuel. Colibri makes some of the best butane fuel and it is refined 5 times. This is some of the cleaner butane fuel you can buy and it comes at a great price. I usually buy their 3 pack of 3.04 oz cans and its never more than $20.

If you are looking to get some extra butane to keep around the house so you don’t run out while dabbing, this may be the best butane fuel for you.

Size: 3.04 oz 3-pack

Refined: 5x Refined

Design: 4 out of 5 stars

Value: 4 out of 5 stars

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Vector Quintuple Refined

best fuel for dab torchesVector is another brand of butane I have been using for a while. They use a quintuple refining process meaning their butane is 5 times refined. It is some of the cleanest butane fuel you can get for your dab torch. I have noticed it is sometimes a better deal to buy their single cans than the pack.

The butane fuel comes with 5 adapters on the cap so you can fit it to different lighters. If you are looking for something that is very refined for your dab torch, this might be the best butane fuel for your dab torch.

Size: 10.82 oz

Refined: 5x Refined

Design: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Value: 4 out of 5 stars

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